Choose your Hero, build your base and join the battlefield!
Entirely free, no in-app purchase and no ads!
Starrows is some kind of solo-oriented MOBA / A-RTS with base building:
Strategic aspects:
- You can build your base with the gold you earn during the game.
- Some of your structures will hire units for you, such as archers or wizards. These units will act on their own.
- You can build merchants, they will improve your units as well as your own stats.
Action aspects:
- You control one hero who can get out of his base, and fight on the battlefield with the help from the rest of your army.
- Each time you get the last hit on one enemy unit, you'll earn more gold and get experience.
- Every hero have unique abilities, with their own strengths and weaknesses.
The goal is to protect your king and defeat the opponent's king.
Starrows was made for the #1GAM (OneGameAMonth) 2013 challenge. It was submitted as a January entry.
Starrows是一种面向单人的MOBA / A-RTS,基础建设:
- 您可以使用在游戏中获得的金币建立基地。
- 你的一些结构将为你雇用单位,如弓箭手或巫师。这些单位将自行行动。
- 您可以建立商家,他们将改善您的单位以及您自己的统计数据。
- 你控制一个可以离开他的基地的英雄,并在你的其他军队的帮助下在战场上作战。
- 每当你在一个敌方单位获得最后一击时,你将获得更多金币并获得经验。
- 每个英雄都有独特的能力,有自己的优点和缺点。